5 Reasons You Should Book a Professional for Your Wedding Video

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The temptation to save money can be great as your wedding tab begins to spin, taking on unforeseen expenses left and right. So, when it comes to videography for your wedding, you’re apt to think, “Maybe I should just ask a friend.” And that’s fair; cameras are more accessible than ever, meaning everyone has a nephew Stevie or a second cousin Annie that “does some video stuff.” Their “stuff” may even be pretty good -- when they’re doing their own thing, on their own time, in a stress-free environment. Working a wedding, however, is a WHOLE other ballgame. Here are 5 reasons you should not skimp on your wedding video by hiring an amateur: 

1. Professional Vendors Know What to Expect During a Wedding

The reason professional vendors are worth so much on your special day is because they won’t cause extra chaos -- they know how to do their job and won’t have to come to you every 5 minutes to ask your opinion. A bonafide videographer won’t have to bug you while you’re trying to feverishly memorize your vows. Your professional hire will be familiar with the basic flow of all weddings and know to be ready to capture the most important moments.

2. Professional Videographers Are Used To Problem Solving On the Fly

Say the best man, Stu, has been drinking since 7 am and is trying to take off his tux in the middle of family pictures, or your entirely outdoor wedding is experiencing an unexpected torrential rain shower. Will your amateur videographer know just what to do? Do you want to find out? It’s safe to say that most established wedding videographers have been to 100 weddings or more. Even a fraction of that number would arm any vendor with a deep well of knowledge of how to tackle last minute problems. Where your nephew Stevie might fall to pieces at a minor fiasco, a professional videographer will be able to take it in stride, possibly even seeing a way to give you a better video because of it. 

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3. Professionals Can Take Charge -- And People Will Listen

Your poor second cousin Annie has never had to tell her older relatives what to do, and no one is used to having to listen to her. She gets pushed into the corner, her only shot of your first look unusable because of the mass of people crowding her view. At this point you’ll be forced to ask, “Was it worth saving the money if I didn’t even get usable footage?”  The professional videographer, on the other hand, has the express job of giving you the best video they can. So, taking charge of your unruly crew won’t be an issue for your seasoned hire, and your friends will be more apt to listen to them anyway. 

4. Professional Videographers Will Have Backup Equipment

Your friend with a camera may have a nice camera, but do they have 2? Or 3? Do they have a backup for all of the cameras they’ll need for the day? What about batteries and chargers? Tripods? Lenses? SD Cards? Lights? Light Stands? Audio Gear?  You get the picture. With an amateur you’re likely not going to even have a fraction of this gear to utilize on your special day, let alone redundant options should there be a technical issue. Every professional videographer has a horror story from their early days about breaking a piece of equipment at a wedding without a backup, and none of them will let it happen again. 

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5. You’ll Have a Video You’re Proud to Share

You may be a gorgeous couple getting married at a breathtaking venue, riding in on a pair of Clydesdales, but your video will still only look as good as your videographer is. If you hire an amateur, you’ll receive an amateur video.  If you hire a professional, you’ll have a quality video you’ll be excited to share. And isn’t having a video you’ll want to share with loved ones for generations the goal after all? 

Ben Clayton